Created and Maintained by Umesh Shankar
Note: The following was created by Christopher Hyson,
a Prophet of Setback and distributed to the faithful via e-mail.
It has been reprinted here without permission. But we're pretty sure
he doesn't care.
And the Lord said, "let there be Setback" and It was good, so the Lord said, "let there be light so I don't have to bid a blind four" and there was light and It was good, so the Lord said, "Let there be billions of humans, to take my form on Earth, so that more than one Setback game can be played at once" and there were humans and they were good, so the lord said, "Hmmmm, that Setback idea was a good one; let there be MORE Setback" and there was more Setback and It was good. Thus by the end of the first week there was Setback roaming freely throughout the Earth. People played in twosomes, threesomes, foursomes, and moresomes, and the Lord smiled and felt it was good, for on the seventh day, he too could sit down again and play setback with his old adversary Lucifer.
Lucifer, the ruler of evil, and the cheater of Setback didst bid
a smack, yet the Lord, knowing the Devil's evil, had the powers
of good on his side, and he didst bid six. Yea, at the finish
of the clash of good and evil, not a trick was possessed by the
evil Lucifer, and the Lord possessed all, including all jacks.
Seeing the power of good contained in a single Setback hand,
the Lord spake to Moses and didst give him the Ten Commandments: